Serendipity -The Unexpected in Science
From the bestselling author of Imperfection, a theory of uncertainty as the very core of the scientific method—and the essence of its wonder.

Imperfection (Korean Edition)
A natural history
T. Pievani, 2024, Book in a box
A panda's hand has a sixth finger that looks like a thumb. In fact, this is a small bone on the wrist that has been reused to pick up bamboo as environmental conditions change. In other words, thumbs were born for incomplete tinkering, not perfect evolution. A variety of non-human species have managed to cope and survive, if not the best. Through chance and accidental events, species have reached the present.

Le tour du monde de l’anthropocène
Cartographie du futur de l’humanité
Telmo Pievani et Mauro Varotto, 2024, HumenSciences
Les scientifiques ne cessent d'alerter sur les conséquences du dérèglement climatique. À partir de l'hypothèse d'une élévation de 65 mètres du niveau de la mer, à cause de la fonte des calottes glaciaires, les auteurs et l'illustrateur ont imaginé le monde en 2872.

Architectural Exaptation
A. Melis, T. Pievani, J.A. Lara-Hernandez, 2024, Routledge, London and New York
Architectural Exaptation: When Function Follows Form focuses on the significance and the originality of the study of exaptation. It presents exaptation as an opportunity to extend architectural design towards more sustainable approaches aimed at enforcing urban resilience.

Around the world in the Anthropocene
A map of the humanity of the future
T. Pievani, 2022, Raffaello Cortina editore, Milano.